How to Make a Decision That Glorifies God
Perhaps you’re standing at a crossroad and are unsure how to move forward. Maybe you’re waiting, listening, and searching, but no discernible feelings of peace are transpiring. How do we make decisions that glorify God?
3 Good Things to Remember about the Future
While our future is unknown to us, it is not unknown to God. He is never surprised. God will accomplish all his purposes. Here are 3 good things to remember about the future.
Taking Time to Rest
How does remembering God’s sovereignty encourage us to take time to rest?
When Our Plans Are Upended: Remembering the Goodness and Sovereignty of God
For many, 2020 feels like a year of interruptions. Of upended plans. Of constant change. While the difficult circumstances we face in life are not good, we have a good God who rules over them all.
A Prayer for Greater Faith
When we are feeling unsettled by circumstances beyond our control, we can always cast our cares and worries on God. Here is a prayer for greater faith in uncertain times.