Are Brokenness and Sinfulness the Same Thing?
A cultural shift has been occurring in the way Christians talk about the human condition. More and more, we are “broken” rather than “sinners.” Are brokenness and sinfulness the same thing?
Natural Disasters—Chance or God?
In the midst of a storm or destructive winds, fear can easily overwhelm us. How should we view natural disasters?
Why I Am a Christian: The Problem of Evil
Only the Judeo-Christian tradition has faced evil squarely and called it what it is. What does the Bible say about the problem of evil?
16 Bible Passages about Why God Allows Evil and Suffering in the World
Some people claim that if God is truly good then he must not be great, because a good God would end the evil and suffering in the world. Here are 16 helpful Bible passages regarding why God is both good and great.
Did God Ordain Evil?
The question “How can a good and holy God allow evil to exist in the world that he created?” is one that demands an answer.