What Point Was Jesus Making to the Rich Young Ruler?
Some people think Jesus was calling the rich young ruler in Luke 18 to sell all his possessions in order to receive eternal life. Is this what Jesus was saying?
Is It Reasonable to Trust the Gospel Narratives?
Is it reasonable to stake so much on the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? The answer is yes. They hold up to scrutiny. Here’s why they are more reliable than most other ancient texts.
8 Godly Men of the Bible Who Still Needed a Savior
No matter how godly any of us are in this life, we all fall short of keeping God’s law perfectly. Here are eight godly men of the Bible who still needed a Savior—Jesus Christ our Lord.
What Does It Take to Become a Christian?
The way people answer the question “What does it take to become a Christian?” says volumes about what they think Christianity is. Here is a short and clear explanation.
What Is the Difference Between the Law and the Gospel?
Every Christian should have a clear understanding regarding the difference between the law and the gospel. Here is a brief explanation.
No One Shared the Gospel with Me
When I see young people running away from God, acting in the most offensive ways they can imagine, I see my younger self. I see lost people who are in desperate need of Christ. Why didn’t even one Christian talk to young me about Jesus?
Are You Trusting in Scripture or Yourself?
When people don’t like what the Bible says, they sometimes brush it off as the work of fallible men or they look to their own experiences to find truth. Is our hope in Scripture or ourselves?
“Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude”: Part 3 — Gratitude
In the Christian faith gratitude is the believer’s motive for doing good works. In part 3 of a 3-part series, New Testament scholar S. M. Baugh explains what gratitude means for every Christian.
“Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude”: Part 2 — Grace
It is common for Christians to describe grace as “God’s unmerited favor,” but this falls short, for we were God’s enemies when Christ died for us. In part 2 of a 3-part series, New Testament scholar S. M. Baugh explains what grace means for every believer.