Christ Jesus: The Source of True Rest
From where does restful peace come and is it possible to even get there when there is so much trouble all around us?
Balancing Productivity and Rest
In today’s world we are praised for our busyness. We wear our exhaustion as a badge of honor for how much we have accomplished. Where does rest fit into our over-scheduled lives?
Taking Time to Rest
How does remembering God’s sovereignty encourage us to take time to rest?
Home: Our Destination
For many home is an enduring and peaceful place of refuge and rest. Home can also be filled with frustrations and tears. Why is home ultimately our destination?
A Psalm for Restful Sleep
The busier life gets, the more tired we are, and yet the harder it is to get good rest! In Psalm 127 we find much needed wisdom for getting a good night’s sleep.
Pushing the Pause Button and Learning to Witness Life
When everything came to a halt this past spring, I sat in my chair in the front yard. I saw life unfold before me and began to wonder: how much do I miss of what God is doing when my day is filled with to-do lists and errands?