3 Good Things to Remember When Life Is Hard
David hid in a cave to escape from King Saul and his men. While few of us have been on the run from our enemies as David was, many of us do know what it’s like to feel stuck with nowhere to turn. Here are three good things to remember when life is hard.
The Fruits of Affliction in the Christian Life
In the midst of our heartache, we often cling to the truth that good will come from it. But what is that good we hope for? Here are six fruits of affliction in the Christian life.
Why I Am a Christian: The Problem of Evil
Only the Judeo-Christian tradition has faced evil squarely and called it what it is. What does the Bible say about the problem of evil?
8 Soothing Things to Do After Experiencing a Traumatic Event
No one wants to have to live through a traumatic event, but they still happen anyway in our fallen world. Here are some soothing things to do during the healing process.
6 Things You Need to Know about Unanswered Prayer
Most of us have felt frustrated by what seems to be God’s lack of action when we have prayed to him diligently about a matter. Here are six things every person needs to know about unanswered prayer.
4 Things to Stop Believing about Suffering
Everyone faces suffering in this life, and it’s not helpful when well-meaning people say, “It could be worse!” Ugh. Here are four things we need to stop believing about suffering.