12 Essential Elements of Good Sex According to the Bible
There’s a lot of advice out there regarding how to have a fulfilling sexual relationship. Does Scripture have anything to say on the topic? Absolutely. Here are 12 essential elements of good sex according to the Bible.
6 Ways a Christian Wife Cherishes Her Husband
Love and respect are foundational aspects of a God-honoring marriage. Here are six ways a Christian wife cherishes her husband.
Can I Date an Unbeliever?
The Bible is clear that Christians shouldn't marry non-Christians, but what about dating? Is it okay for a believer to date an unbeliever?
Are Christians Redefining Sin in the Name of Love?
More and more people are searching the Bible in an attempt to prove that certain contemporary moral standards are okay in God’s sight. Are some Christians attempting to redefine sin in the name of love?
The Importance of Male Leadership in Romantic Relationships
Intentionality must characterize a man’s conduct with a woman during the entire relationship, not just at the beginning. What does it mean for a man to initiate and purposely pursue a romantic relationship?
6 Ways a Christian Husband Cherishes His Wife
A Christian husband should enjoy his wife. She is a precious gift from God given to comfort, support, encourage, and love him. Here are six ways a Christian husband cherishes his wife.
Did Authoritative Male Headship Exist in the Garden of Eden Before the Fall?
Increasingly, some Christians are claiming that no authority structure existed in Adam and Eve’s relationship in the garden of Eden prior to their fall into sin. Is this true?
The Struggle to Uphold the Biblical View of Marriage in Australia
With last week's passage of an amendment to redefine marriage in Australia in favor of same-sex couples, the country's pastors are now faced with the decision of whether to resign their status as authorised celebrants of the novel Marriage Act. Tasmanian pastor Campbell Markham mailed the following letter to Australia's Attorney General on the same day the Governor General signed into law the country's redefinition of marriage.