When Life Isn’t Fair
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do some people seem to always win and I always lose?” How should we respond when the individual chapters of our lives feel unfair?
God's Providential Care for You
God's providence doesn’t just apply to Old Testament characters like Joseph and Moses. It also applies to all his creation, including each one of us. What is God’s providential care?
The Comfort of Knowing God Is in Control
The providence of God—what is it? And what are we to make of God's providence when hurt, pain, and sadness come from tragedies in our lives?
3 Good Things to Remember When You Feel Like God Is Far Away
When it feels like God is far away, remember these three good things about the Persons of the Trinity.
Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about God’s Providence
The providence of God reveals his infinite wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy. Nothing can thwart his plan. Here is a prayer to help you meditate upon God’s providence.
Seeing God's Blessings in the Little Things
This morning my alarm didn’t go off. That wouldn’t have been much of a problem, except that my phone said 8:30, which is the time I’m supposed to be at work. I discovered that, even in the little things of an ordinary day, God provides for his people.