How God Shows Himself to the World in General and Special Revelation
“If God is there, why doesn’t he show himself?” God does show himself to the world in two very different but complementary ways.
How to Read the Bible in Context and Stay on Track
In Scripture there is both an immediate context and an overall biblical context—the overarching story of God’s mighty acts of redemption in Jesus. Here's how to stay on track when reading the Bible.
How Not To Be a Heretic
Of course, no one ever plans to become a heretic, but it still happens. Here are three things you can do to better know and uphold the great truths of the Bible.
Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about Holy Scripture
In this tumultuous world in which we live, it is of the greatest comfort to be reminded of the sure truth and hope God has given us in his word. Here is a prayer to help you meditate upon the blessings of Holy Scripture.