Topic: sin
How Much Is Enough? — Ecclesiastes 4:4
It’s all too easy to allow vain striving to overtake our thoughts and divert us from the most important parts of life. What does the Bible say about how much is enough?
6 Reasons Why Christians Behave Badly
It's not fun to be treated poorly by anyone, but why do people who are supposed to be loving, kind, and forgiving—yes, I'm referring to Christians—behave badly? Here are six reasons.
The Biggest Obstacle to Your Sanctification
As a pastor I regularly listened to people give all sorts of reasons and excuses for their sinful conduct. In one sense, this is nothing new. What does the Bible say about the biggest obstacle to our sanctification?
5 Helpful Things to Do to Kill Envy in Our Hearts
We need to put covetousness, jealousy, and envy to death in our hearts before they destroy us and those around us. Here are five helpful things to do to overcome the sin of envy.
Is the Attractiveness of Sin Enticing You Right Now?
We may pursue people and things that seem attractive or beneficial in some way at the start, downplaying in our minds and hearts the potential for harm.