12 Good Reasons to Grow in Humility
Charles H. Spurgeon once stated, “Humility is to make a right estimation of one’s self.” Here are twelve good reasons to grow in humility.
Justice and Mercy United in Christ
If we want to understand the depth of God’s mercy in Christ Jesus, we need a true understanding of the condition of sinful humankind.
Finding God's Mercy When You Fail
Have you ever wondered if you've failed too much to be forgiven by God? In the life of King Saul, we see the unending reach of Christ’s mercy—and what it means for you today.
8 Attributes of God We Encounter at the Cross
It is impossible for God’s mercy to override his justice. His holiness never conflicts with his love. Here are 8 attributes of God we encounter at the cross.
The Difference Between the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Two men went up to pray (Luke 18:9-14). One was a respected religious leader, the other a despised tax collector. What was the difference between the men?
God's Lavish Mercy for Sinners
Upon hearing the gospel some people think they are too bad—too unworthy, too far gone for Christ’s mercy to reach them. What does the Bible say?
There but for the Grace of God Go I
I lived most of my adult years as a non-believer. I was ambivalent about the abortion issue, but if pressed, I would have sided with those who see it as a “choice” issue. On this side of salvation, however, it is impossible not to see the horrible consequences of abortion on society, mothers and fathers who make that choice, and most certainly the unborn.
Learning Through the Wounds
Hard seasons of ministry have their share of hurts—ones that run deep. In his grace God uses our wounds to remind us of wounds we once caused. Here are some important things God teaches us through these painful experiences.