Justice and Mercy United in Christ
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It is difficult to comprehend God’s mercy in Christ Jesus apart from a true understanding of the condition of sinful humankind. Mercy in general is the application of compassion and forgiveness in light of what would be just punishment for the transgression of law. As all have sinned against God (Rom. 3:23) by breaking his law either by commission of sins or by omission of what is required, we are all subject to God’s righteous justice.
Justice and mercy are united in Christ Jesus.
The just penalty for sinning against God is death—it is a capital crime that requires a death sentence (Rom. 6:32). Considering this ought to get our attention and drive us to a plea for mercy from such a perfect, righteous, and just God. Thankfully, God is also merciful. Justice and mercy, though they are contrasting concepts, are united in Christ Jesus.
The answer to Heidelberg Catechism question 10, "Will God permit such disobedience and rebellion to go unpunished?” declares that Scripture teaches God is angry with those who sin against him and are subject to his just punishment. Question 11 then asks, "But isn’t God also merciful?” The answer is, "God is certainly merciful [citing Ex. 34:6–7; Ps. 103:8–9], but he is also just. His justice demands that sin, committed against his supreme majesty, be punished with the supreme penalty—eternal punishment of body and soul.”
The Catechism then proceeds to declare the teaching of God’s Word concerning his deliverance of his people from sin and death through the salvation accomplished by Christ Jesus. It is in Christ Jesus that God’s justice and mercy meet with perfect beauty, harmony, and love.
God demonstrates his love by giving his Son to die for us.
The Belgic Confession, Article 20, "The Justice and Mercy of God in Christ," describes it well. This article of Christian belief begins by pointing out how the Bible teaches that God is both merciful and just. In giving his Son, Christ Jesus, to bear our sins and die on the cross, God’s justice was satisfied for all those who are united to Jesus by faith. All humankind are subject to the penalty of death, but God made known his justice toward his Son while "he poured out his goodness and mercy on us.” God demonstrates his love by giving his Son to die for us and raising Christ Jesus from the dead for our justification, so "that by him we might have immortality and eternal life.”
God’s mercy in Christ brings us into eternal union with God.
The apostle Peter writes, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" (1 Pet. 1:3). The mercy of God is found in Christ Jesus, and it is in him that we receive the mercy of God by grace through faith. It is in Christ Jesus that the goodness of God, his love and mercy, are displayed in vivid detail.
For believers there is no more death, no more weeping. We no longer receive what we deserve but instead mercifully enjoy the love of God, who brings all who trust in Christ Jesus to salvation and eternal life.
This article was originally published in Beautiful Christian Life’s November 2024 monthly newsletter, “Mercy.”
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