4 Characteristics of Good and Lasting Friendships
We need friends who are there for us over the years. Here are some key characteristics of friendships I treasure that have stood the test of time.
7 Ways to Be a Friend According to the Bible
People lack friends, and they suffer for it. They are doing life alone, and that is hard. We need to learn to be friends again, and the apostle Paul teaches us how in his first letter to the church in Thessalonica.
"As God in Christ Forgave You" — Ephesians 4:31-32
How can honest self-reflection contribute to improving our relationships?
How to Have Deeper Conversations Today
Those who engage us in deeper conversations want to go beyond the shallow end. They want to know us. How can we dive beyond the surface of our relationships and encourage deeper conversations?
What Does It Mean to Be a True Friend?
Sometimes we need someone else to see what we can’t see. A true friend will go to great lengths to rescue us, sometimes even from ourselves. What does it mean to be a true friend?
Navigating Friendship in the Local Church
It’s easy to bring lofty ideas of friendship into the church, oftentimes in a way that is unfair to others, causing us to neglect the body of Christ for not meeting our unreal expectations.
Pastors and Friendship
What are some of the challenges pastors face in trying to build friendships with people in their congregation? How can Christians guard themselves from placing unrealistic expectations on their pastor?
Church Membership — Like a Marriage
Christians can start looking for the door with a consumer’s mentality when a local church doesn’t meet their expectations. Their membership is all about receiving benefits and service. Here’s why our attitude towards church membership should be closer to what we find in a marriage relationship.
Embracing Confrontation—Do You Dare?
Confrontation. Just the thought of it can instantly make your heartbeat quicken and palms sweat. Here's why, when coming from a sincere heart, confrontation can actually be an act of love.