The Definition of Kindness According to the Bible
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
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Kindness matters. Yet, as we watch the evening news, it sure seems lacking. On the other hand, I'm sure we can all name those who have shown kindness to us when most needed.
Kindness is a virtue well worth pursuing.
People who are nearest to us often give us the best glimpses of what kindness truly is—those with whom we work and friends and family whom we know well and who know us. And this experience of kindness goes both ways—kindness shown to us and kindness we give.
The wisdom of God calls us to pursue kindness—that is, to look for opportunities to be kind to others. The ultimate worth of kindness is found in God's kindness. Proverbs 21:21 says,
Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor." (Emphasis added)
In the Old Testament, kindness is a word translated from the Hebrew word, hesed, which has no equivalent in English. Its meaning is broad and full, often translated as steadfast love, faithfulness, loyalty, graciousness, goodness, or, as in Proverbs 21:21, kindness.
May we all find opportunities to show kindness to others.
Kindness is good. It means being steadfast in love toward another person, even as God has loved us with a steadfast love that never fails. It means being faithful to another—trustworthy and loyal. Kindness is gentle and loving, even when there are times in our lives that tempt us to be harsh and hard.
Rather than showing the rough edges of anger or frustration, may we all find opportunities to show kindness to others, especially those who are near and surely need a gentle touch, a kind smile, a pleasant word, and love that never fails.
This article is adapted from “Pursuing the Virtue of Kindness” in Beautiful Christian Life’s April 2021 monthly newsletter.