4 Good Things to Remember about God’s Grace When Facing a Besetting Sin
When facing a besetting sin—a sin that seems to haunt us, taunt us, and rule us—we may feel discouraged. Here are four good things to remember about God’s enabling grace during such times.
Sleeping on Rocks Right Now? Jesus Is Right There
In Genesis 28 Jacob is sleeping outside with a rock for a pillow because of his own poor decisions. As Jacob dreams, God shows him a ladder joining heaven and earth. Why?
Finding God's Mercy When You Fail
Have you ever wondered if you've failed too much to be forgiven by God? In the life of King Saul, we see the unending reach of Christ’s mercy—and what it means for you today.
4 Ways to Turn Failure into Growth in Your Child's Life
It’s not easy to watch our children fail. Here are four ways to turn failure into growth in your child’s life.
God's Lavish Mercy for Sinners
Upon hearing the gospel some people think they are too bad—too unworthy, too far gone for Christ’s mercy to reach them. What does the Bible say?
Measuring Your Ministry—a Warning and an Encouragement
Do you see a trend in the Christian West toward secular thinking, corrupting forces, and division? In the context of Christian ministry, what will we gain by measuring size, numbers, achievable goals, and measurable outcomes? In doing so we remove the attention from God and place it on ourselves, making our “impact” of utmost importance. Why is going back to God the best thing to do so in such circumstances?