You Are Very Important—the Sixth Day of Creation
We sense that we are significant. Life means something. We have purpose—a high purpose. Here are 3 reasons from Genesis 1:24-26 why you are very important.
2 Ways God Communicates to People Today
Do you ever wish God would speak to you? Here are two ways God communicates to people today.
“Let There Be Light”: 6 Things You Need to Know about the Light God Gives You
Whereas human religions grope for God, in the Bible God confronts humanity with the bright light of truth. Here are six things you need to know about the light God gives you and how it relates to Jesus.
God Can Handle Chaos—Including Yours
In Genesis 1:1-2 we read about God’s formless, empty, lifeless, black, and watery creation and how the Spirit of God loved, sustained, and upheld it. Right now you may feel confused. Empty. Lifeless. Dark. Chaotic. Whoever you are, and whatever the depths and agony of your trials, God is hovering over you: he loves you, he is near to you, and he can rescue you.
Want Abundant Life? It Only Grows on the Solid Rock—the Third Day of Creation
So many of us are unhappy because we don’t know why we exist. God pours out love-gifts of sun and breath, food and family, and we don’t see him. We are dying, and we don’t want our lives to end. We don’t know where we are going, nor how to get there. Yet, even in the most vicious trials of this life, we can find joy.
Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about God's Creation
God made the earth by his power, established the world by his wisdom, and stretched out the heavens by his understanding (Jer. 10:12). Here is a prayer to help you meditate upon God’s creation.
You Need to Rest—the Seventh Day of Creation
The Sabbath was supposed to be a day of rest, but the Pharisees loaded it with stupid laws and turned the Sabbath into a day of fear and misery. How did Jesus recover the Sabbath, and what does it mean for us today?
Suspended Between Heaven and Earth—Fly Fishing on the Madison River
Have you ever visited a pristine part of God’s creation where it seemed like you were almost in another world entirely? I had that experience fly fishing on the Madison River—and it left me breathless.
3 Ways God Saves You from Drowning—the Second Day of Creation
God’s church is always in danger of drowning—suffocating in the waters of outward persecution and inward materialism and temptation. We need not fear, though, because our Lord will rescue us and bring us through.