Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about God's Creation
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This is the fourth installment in a series of prayers based on the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647). To learn more about the history of the Westminster Standards, please click here.
The Westminster Confession of Faith—Of Creation
It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of his eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, in the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the world, and all things therein whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days; and all very good. — Westminster Confession of Faith, 4.1
I praise you as the Triune Creator.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Your work of creation expresses your perfect harmony within the Trinity. Father, you made the world by, through, and for your Son (Col. 1:16). Lord Jesus, all things were made by you, and without you nothing was made that has been made (John 1:3). And Spirit of God, you hovered over creation and breathed out life into all living things. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I praise you as the Triune Creator.
Through your creation we see your glory.
Thank you for revealing yourself through your creation. Almighty God, through your creation we see the glory of your eternal power, wisdom, and goodness. Who could make the waves crash against the rocks, and in other places, have it gently lap across the sand? Your hand alone can do these things. You amaze us. Thank you for creating beauty in tiny details, such as a delicate flower with color, shape, and fragrance. Thank you for creating beauty on a grand scale, such as the mountains, canyons, expansive sea, sky, and stars. You leave me in awe.
Your wisdom surpasses anything that I can explain.
Even in my own body, I marvel at your design. Each organ does its job without instructions from me. Your wisdom surpasses anything that I can explain. I praise you as the God outside of creation who, through creation, makes yourself known to me and all people as we live within it.
Your signature is plain throughout all of creation.
Father, as I come across people who ignore your testimony or even deny your existence, help me to humbly point them to you as Creator. Let them see that you are the one who made the earth by your power, who established the world by your wisdom, and who stretched out the heavens by your understanding (Jer. 10:12). Your signature is plain. May what I know about you from creation invigorate my witness as well as my praise to you.
Help me to rest in what you have revealed.
While I can know your power, wisdom, and goodness through creation, Father, it is only through your Word that I learn that you made all things of nothing. How amazing! You spoke and the world came to be. How simple yet powerful your word! As intriguing as the process of creation may be, please keep me from getting caught up in or bogged down by debates about what you have not clearly revealed. Help me to rest in what you have revealed, especially the truth that when you made the world, you made it good.
Help me take care of creation as a faithful steward.
Sometimes when facing the brokenness of this world, I need to be reminded that you called your creation “very good.” Help me to see beyond the impact of the fall and appreciate what is still good because it was made by you. Forgive me for the times I treat your world like trash. I am sorry. Please help me take care of creation as a faithful steward, protecting and promoting its good.
In your creation, seen and unseen, I have endless reasons for praise.
I praise you not only for creating the visible things, but also the invisible, such as human souls. I confess, that in my daily life I often forget about the invisible creation, as if it didn’t matter. Forgive me for my narrow-mindedness. I praise you for the thrones, dominions, rulers, and authorities that you created and that your word reveals, but that I cannot see. I praise you for all of the angels who constantly praise you in heaven and who look after me and all your people. In your creation, seen and unseen, I have endless reasons for praise. All glory be to you.
In Jesus’ name,
This article was originally published on November 27, 2019.
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