Encouraging Men in the Church
Photo by palidachan / Shutterstock.com
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God has called men to fulfill various vocations in life, including ones of leadership in the family and church. This doesn’t mean, though, that a man will never have doubts about his ability to be a good leader. What are some ways we can encourage Christian men as they strive to fulfill their God-given callings in life?
Instead of devaluing masculine traits, Christians should focus on encouraging men to love God and their neighbor well in their unique callings.
A godly man knows his sin and weaknesses all too well. Husbands and fathers need the encouragement of knowing their family members respect and believe in them, even in spite of their failures and shortcomings. Men also need the encouragement of other men to become good leaders.
Perhaps you are a man who has benefitted from a godly male role model; if so, take the time to befriend and pass on the mentoring you received to another man who is struggling in some way. If you find yourself feeling frustrated at times by your pastor, elders, or deacons, look for practical ways to support them as they strive to be faithful servants who love God's people with the love of Christ. Take a moment and share an encouraging word with them or praise them for something they have done well.
In God’s good design he made man in his image, male and female, and both are of equal value in his sight.
We live in a world that is increasingly focused on tearing down men and devaluing masculine traits. Tragically, there are men who are scoundrels, men who abuse their leadership in the most horrendous ways. Yet, there are countless millions of men around the world who earnestly seek to be—and by God’s grace are, godly leaders.
Rejoice that in God’s good design he made man in his image, male and female, and both are of equal value in his sight. May we respect and rejoice in the similarities and the differences between men and women, always seeking to encourage each other in all our callings.
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. (1 Cor. 16:13-14)