Aligning Our Feelings with God’s Word
“You hurt my feelings.” Rather than buy into this nebulous and unhelpful subjective statement, there’s a better way of looking at feelings that not only reflects objective reality but also allows for personal responsibility.
3 Good Things to Remember When Life Is Hard
David hid in a cave to escape from King Saul and his men. While few of us have been on the run from our enemies as David was, many of us do know what it’s like to feel stuck with nowhere to turn. Here are three good things to remember when life is hard.
When Your Dreams Haven’t Come True
Is there a dream you’ve been holding onto for a long time and it hasn’t come true yet? Maybe you’re wondering if God really loves you after all. Here are five good things to remember in such times.
5 Important Things We Can Learn about Repentance from Psalm 51
King David described the conviction he felt over his sin like that of crushed bones. Here are 5 important things we can learn about repentance from Psalm 51.
Pressing On in the Shade of His Presence
Every time I catch myself minimizing the importance of dying to my flesh as it wars continually with the Spirit, I’ve usually made several choices already to undermine my own personal holiness. Here's why we should never let anything in our lives eclipse a breathless, wholehearted pursuit of God.
The Important Truth of Our Smallness
As humans we quickly forget that we are dust. That we are not invincible. That we are the created and not the Creator. How can we develop a right view of God and ourselves?
5 Ways the Ascension of Jesus Comforts Christians Today
Jesus is in heaven and we are on earth. We love our Christ and Savior, but we do not see him. Here are 5 ways the ascension of Jesus brings comfort to every Christian today.
How Is God Training You Right Now to Be a Future Leader?
Notice the woes of Joseph in the book of Genesis. The dungeon was a deliberate part of God’s perfect plan for Joseph—and for Joseph’s family.
Christmas—the Interrupter of Winter
It’s common for people to struggle with feeling let down by the Christmas season. Here’s why Christmas is not the end but rather the beginning.