A Word of Encouragement on Motherhood
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A woman I admire once said that motherhood is the hardest job you will ever love. I couldn't agree more. Having three little girls of my own, I can say without hesitation that motherhood is a gift and a wild ride in self-discovery. God has designed it so that I have had a part in bringing these little image-bearers of our King into existence. What a humbling honor. I reflect on how much motherhood has changed me—how it seems like a million years ago since it was just my husband and me doing crazy things like sleeping in until 9:00 a.m. or spontaneously catching a late, midweek movie. Now I wake up early each morning to the chirping of a sweet baby bird calling for her breakfast, a three-year-old waiting to find out what the exciting day ahead will hold, and a seven-year-old who has her own personal agenda that seems to grow with each passing day.
Daily Joys, Daily Struggles
Some mornings I jump out of bed with joy, filled with thankfulness for what God has given me. Other days I am exhausted before my feet touch the ground, and I resent the fact that I am so needed. I just want to worry about myself and meet my own needs. I think about what the day ahead will hold, and the list of items on my to-do list seems endless with mundane duties that seem to add up to nothing. I remember my “glory days” in the corporate sales world where people recognized my talents and rewarded my achievements. I could see my progress and success in a commission check or a glowing quarterly review.
Bringing Glory to God in Ordinary Moments
I realized how much it grated on me that much of my work at home is seemingly insignificant and unrecognized. Then I had an eye-opening moment and asked myself a question: “In whose eyes am I seeking to be recognized? How do I measure my success?” My chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. Fulfilling the calling of motherhood is indeed glorifying him. The world can cheapen the value we put on motherhood, as if we are doing nothing more than wiping noses and changing diapers, but we are shaping lives and shepherding hearts in all these ordinary moments caring for our children.
Motherhood—a Life of Blessed Service
God has called mothers to a lifetime of service. In his amazing wisdom and grace, he has intertwined this calling with the greatest love and fulfillment we will ever have the privilege of experiencing on this side of heaven. I look into the eyes of my babies and I see love. I would give anything, do anything, endure anything to protect them from any amount of pain. I give of myself each day—all day—to make sure they feel loved and provided for. I collapse into bed each night playing the movie of that day in my mind, snapshots of moments proving that I had earned “Mother of the Year”—or moments that make me wonder how God could have entrusted these little lives to someone as impatient and selfish as I am. God has given me a task that is truly impossible to do on my own. He has given me a task that will constantly point me to him and leave me begging for his grace. Continue to give of yourself, and he will fill you up!