Why Does the Bible Call the Fear of God "Clean"? — Psalm 19:9
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We often think of “fear” in a negative sense—being afraid even to the point of terror or feeling high anxiety and worry, especially toward the unknown. Yet, we are called to fear God, which is right and good. Is there a difference between fear of God and fear of the unknown, and why does the Bible call the fear of God “clean” in Psalm 19:9?
…the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever
the rules of the LORD are true,
and righteous altogether. — Psalm 19:9
Fear of God means to revere, respect, and submit to his Word because it is holy as God is holy.
The psalmist writes that the fear of God is “clean” in Psalm 19:9 in the context of God’s righteous and perfect word—his commandments, rules, and laws. In other words, as God is pure and holy, so is his word. Fear of God means to revere, respect, and submit to his word because it is holy as God is holy, being known in the Scriptures and as fully revealed in the person and work of Christ Jesus. As the NIV Application Commentary explains, such godly fear produces a way of life that is devoted to honoring God in all things:
“The attention to ‘fear in [Isaiah] 8:12-13 is important. The fear of the unknown is a defiling kind of fear, but the ‘fear of the Lord’ is clean (see Ps. 19:9). This phrase describes a way of life that pays primary attention to learning and obeying the ways of the only one who can truly be called ‘holy’ (Isa. 8:13)” (John N. Oswalt, Isaiah: The NIV Application Commentary, p. 151.)
Christians are called to immerse themselves in God’s Word out of love for God and one another.
God has given us his Word, his special revelation, so that we can know everything he wants us to know about himself and his redemptive work in Christ, for there is no other way to be saved except through faith in his Son, who did all the work to redeem us from our guilt and sin. Fear God by learning his Word and obeying it from a motive of love—love for God and for one another. As his word accomplishes all of God’s purposes, immerse yourself in it through study, memorization, and meditation.
God’s Word is the means by which God works in you both to will and to do his good pleasure, purifying you by his work of sanctification through faith in your Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the fear of God that is clean and endures forever.