Striving for Godliness in the Christian Life — 2 Peter 1
In 2 Peter 1 the apostle addresses a woeful state of affairs: a worldly, lazy, self-indulgent, and ineffective church in which Christians prefer passing pleasures over the godliness true faith demands. Peter tackles it head-to-head.
Sanctification in Christ — The Rest of Your Story
Sanctification is a slow process of dying to the flesh and living unto God. How can Christians tell whether they are growing in holiness?
What Is the Spiritual Fruit of Meekness?
In our day meekness is weakness; it is to be spineless and unassertive. Christian meekness, however, flexes its muscles not by using the weapons of the world. What is the spiritual fruit of meekness?
Growing in Holiness
If we want to see God, to live in his presence in heaven forever, we must possess holiness. What exactly is holiness, and how do we obtain it?
2 Kinds of Cheap Grace You Need to Avoid
Cheap grace is worthless. It tries to rob you of your peace and rest in your Savior. Here are two kinds of cheap grace that pretend to be the costly grace God gives you in Christ.
Spirit-Led Self-Control vs. Being Out of Control
Self-control is a gift given by God. How can we avoid being out of control and have godly self-control instead?