10 Reasons Christians Can Be Thankful in Trying Circumstances
How can we be thankful and joyful in the midst of a painful trial? The answer is found in all that the Scriptures teach us about trials.
7 Reasons Why God Makes a “Crook” in a Christian’s Lot
“Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked?” (Eccles. 7:13). Here are seven reasons why God allows various afflictions, also known as “crooks,” in the lives of his children.
2 Good Things to Remember When You Walk through the Valleys of Life
Psalm 23 is a psalm of confidence in God’s care for his people. Here are two good things to remember when you walk through the valleys of life.
25 Bible Passages about Peace in Christ
While our subjective feelings of peace can ebb and flow, these feelings never change our status before God. What does it mean for Christians to have peace?
The Savior Wounds Us, Then Heals Us — Genesis 42-44
In Genesis 42 Joseph’s brothers are pleading for his help. Yet, instead of joyfully throwing his arms around his brothers, Joseph initiates a long and difficult trial for them. Why?
Peace Amid the Unknown of the Future
God doesn’t tell us everything about the future, but he does tell us some things about the future in his Word. How can we have peace amid the unknown?
How Much Is Enough? — Ecclesiastes 4:4
It’s all too easy to allow vain striving to overtake our thoughts and divert us from the most important parts of life. What does the Bible say about how much is enough?
6 Ways to Avoid Being Like Job’s Friends
It’s not fun being kicked while you’re down. Job’s friends rushed to judgment when he suddenly lost his children, wealth, and health. Here are six things to keep in mind when tragedy strikes.
When Life Isn’t Fair
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do some people seem to always win and I always lose?” How should we respond when the individual chapters of our lives feel unfair?