Undergoing the Powerful Scalpel of God’s Truth
God’s truth will always be to our benefit and spiritual health. If we fear truth’s incision, it might be that God has targeted an infected part of our life that requires careful removal.
The 15 Vices of Galatians 5:19-21 and How to Resist Them
The battle between the flesh and the Spirit wages throughout our lives. The apostle Paul gives us a list of 15 vices to deepen our perception of the ways of the flesh and how to resist them.
4 Good Things to Remember about God’s Grace When Facing a Besetting Sin
When facing a besetting sin—a sin that seems to haunt us, taunt us, and rule us—we may feel discouraged. Here are four good things to remember about God’s enabling grace during such times.
It's Chemistry! Practical Advice for Protecting Your Marriage from an Affair
When an extramarital affair starts, it’s likely that sexual chemistry ignited the fuse. Here's some practical advice for protecting your marriage—and the marriages of others—from an affair.
Repeated Sinning and the Hope of Forgiveness
Many who have trusted in Christ struggle deeply in their consciences over their post-conversion sins. How can a true believer commit a particular sin—sometimes repeatedly—after he or she comes to Christ?
Is It True That You Can't Help Falling in Love with Someone?
The idea that we are helpless victims of love is a very ancient one. How should we respond when our passions, desires, and instincts urge us to have sexual intimacy with someone if the Bible forbids it?
8 Practical Ways to Flee from Temptation in the Moment
“‘The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak’” (Matt. 26:41). There are times when it’s especially difficult to resist acting upon our sinful desires. Here are eight practical things you can do to flee temptation in the moment.
Can Christians Sin Too Much and Lose Their Salvation?
How much can a person sin and still consider themselves a Christian? Is it possible to sin so much that we sin ourselves out of our salvation?
17 Custom-Made Temptations Crafted Just for You
It is vital, a matter of life and death, to understand the ways Satan will tempt us to sin. Be on guard against these 17 custom-made temptations—crafted just for you.