3 Points about the Doctrine of Predestination Every Christian Needs to Know
When it comes to biblical teaching on how predestination is involved in salvation, people worry that if we “give” God his sovereignty, then we are giving away our own freedom. Why is this a false dilemma?
Why I Am a Christian: The Problem of Evil
Only the Judeo-Christian tradition has faced evil squarely and called it what it is. What does the Bible say about the problem of evil?
24 Bible Passages about God’s Sovereignty
How much is God in control of all that happens in the world? Here are 24 Bible passages about God’s sovereignty.
Taking Time to Rest
How does remembering God’s sovereignty encourage us to take time to rest?
Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about the Effectual Calling of God
When hearts seem just as hard as they were when I started praying for them, I begin to wonder if I should quit praying—O Lord, may I never! Here is a prayer to help us meditate upon the reassuring truth of God’s effectual calling.