How Is God Training You Right Now to Be a Future Leader?
Notice the woes of Joseph in the book of Genesis. The dungeon was a deliberate part of God’s perfect plan for Joseph—and for Joseph’s family.
Cycling and Sanctification in the Christian Life
Cycling has been fun, challenging, and great exercise for me. Here are four connections I’ve seen between cycling and sanctification.
Sanctification in Christ — The Rest of Your Story
Sanctification is a slow process of dying to the flesh and living unto God. How can Christians tell whether they are growing in holiness?
12 Books I Wish I Had Read as a New Christian
After attending a wonderful seminary later in life and reflecting back on my early years as a believer, here are 12 books I wish I had read as a new Christian to help me grow in my faith.
4 Good Things to Remember about God’s Grace When Facing a Besetting Sin
When facing a besetting sin—a sin that seems to haunt us, taunt us, and rule us—we may feel discouraged. Here are four good things to remember about God’s enabling grace during such times.
My #1 Concern for Christian Men Today
There is one thing I’m most concerned about with regard to Christian men. Where has all the growth in godly disciplines gone?
The Fruits of Affliction in the Christian Life
In the midst of our heartache, we often cling to the truth that good will come from it. But what is that good we hope for? Here are six fruits of affliction in the Christian life.
What Does It Mean to "Put Off the Old Self" and "Put On the New Self"? — Ephesians 4:20-24
All who are in Christ have the benefits of justification and sanctification. What does this mean, and what is Paul saying about the “old self” and the “new self” in Ephesians 4:20-24?
Why Wisdom Is Far More Valuable Than Intelligence
There is no necessary correlation between intelligence and morality, or intelligence and wise conduct. A person can be a fool with a very high IQ. Here’s why wisdom is far more valuable than intelligence.