How Is the Day of Firstfruits Related to Every Believer's Personal Resurrection?
The resurrection of Christ makes the believer’s resurrection necessary. How is the day of firstfruits in the Old Testament related to every Christian’s certain future resurrection?
What Happens to the Souls of Christians When They Die? — Luke 23:42-43
What is a soul and what happens to the soul of a Christian upon physical death?
10 Facts about Jesus’ Resurrection You Need to Know
If Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead, then Christianity isn’t true. Here are 10 facts everyone needs to know about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
“Woman, Why Are You Weeping?” The Redemptive and Personal Reality of the Resurrection
Mary Magdalene was the first person to hear and see Jesus after his resurrection. What can we learn about our own redemption from the words Jesus and Mary spoke to each other?
7 Things You Need to Know about the Silence of Jesus
When is it better to speak? And when is it necessary to stay quiet? This is the art of wisdom. Here are seven things you need to know about the silence of Jesus.
Why It's Reasonable to Believe in Jesus' Resurrection
Christianity rests on eye-witness testimony and historical claims. Here’s why it’s reasonable to believe in Jesus’ resurrection.
Will Christians Be Taken in a Secret Rapture?
Are you waiting for a future secret rapture where Christians are taken bodily out of the world while unbelievers are “left behind”? Here’s why to “be taken” is a bad thing, not a good thing.
"Fact-Checking" the Resurrection
Skeptics of Christianity often challenge the truth about the resurrection, but they do so without evidence. The resurrection of Jesus was a very public miracle. People should be encouraged to examine the historical evidence and then consider the evidence of Christ's church.
"If Christ Is Not Risen..." — 8 Implications of Denying the Resurrection
If there is no resurrection, Christians have nothing left to preach. Here are 8 implications of denying Jesus’ resurrection.