Biblical Marriage — Relational and Legal
Why is there both a relational and legal aspect to marriage, and how does earthly marriage help us understand the believer’s union with Christ?
Q & A: 10 Important Aspects of Submission and Authority in a Christian Marriage
Are Christian wives called to submit to the godly leadership of their husbands? What does the Bible teach about submission and authority in a Christian marriage?
4 Characteristics of Good and Lasting Friendships
We need friends who are there for us over the years. Here are some key characteristics of friendships I treasure that have stood the test of time.
Beloved: Processing Our Insecurities in Light of the Gospel
By God’s grace I have learned that the only way to change the horrible talk-track in my head that says “I am not enough” is to have the true narrative about who I am spoken to me to crush the lie for what it is.
What Is the Fellowship of the Saints?
Christian fellowship means more than being in the same place at one time with our brothers and sisters in Christ. What is the fellowship of the saints?
6 Reasons Why Christians Behave Badly
It's not fun to be treated poorly by anyone, but why do people who are supposed to be loving, kind, and forgiving—yes, I'm referring to Christians—behave badly? Here are six reasons.
Organic Christian Living in the Local Church
A mechanistic church mindset is a counterfeit to an organic church mindset. How should Christians approach programs and extracurricular activities as they seek to nurture organic love and service in the body of Christ?
8 Good Ways God May Be Growing You Through Slow Healing
We all want to be healed yesterday from whatever physical or mental ailment or troubled relationship we are experiencing. Here are 8 good ways God may be using slow healing in your life.
Before You Pull the Ripcord on Your Marriage
One of the problems I’ve seen in the church is how quickly married couples want to pull the divorce ripcord. Why is it important for Christians to be very circumspect about making such a decision?