Life Ayrian Yasar Life Ayrian Yasar

5 Ways to Support Your Pastor

Pastors are prone to high rates of burnout and are not immune to stress-related problems from their work such as anxiety and depression. Here are five ways to support your pastor.

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Faith J. V. Fesko Faith J. V. Fesko

The Art of Sermon Illustrations

Sermon illustrations are one of the most challenging aspects of preaching. What are some pitfalls of sermon illustrations and how can preachers employ them wisely and effectively?

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Life Wes Van Fleet Life Wes Van Fleet

Pastors and Friendship

What are some of the challenges pastors face in trying to build friendships with people in their congregation? How can Christians guard themselves from placing unrealistic expectations on their pastor?

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Faith Chris Gordon Faith Chris Gordon

Why You Should Love to Go to Church

The Scriptures warned that there would be a problem of Christians saying they don’t need to come to church. We live in those times. And I suggest that people are spiritually languishing because of this disregard.

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