30 Ways to Love Christ in the Everyday Moments of Life
Little things can make a big difference. Here are 30 ways to love Christ in the everyday moments of life.
Valuing and Respecting Your Neighbor As Yourself
If we are to love our neighbor as ourselves, we must first know what it means to love ourselves. Yet, we cannot love ourselves rightly until we know God’s love for us in Christ.
Finding Renewal of Heart and Faith this Christmas Season
How can a person still find joy in the Christmas season when facing a variety of emotions and difficult circumstances? Here are three ways.
The Greater Lesson of the Parable of the Good Samaritan
Who is the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 and what is the greater lesson of this parable that points us to Christ?
Property Lines: Earthly Division vs. Gospel Unity
In an individualistic culture like ours, people want to know what belongs to them. How does gospel unity help us to knock down earthly dividing lines?
How Will You Bring Light into a Dark World This Christmas Season?
What would it look like to be so moved by the great news of the gospel this Christmas season that we begin to add a little bright color to the dark grayness of our neighbors’ lives?
The Perils of “Wannabe Tough Guy” Christianity
As American culture continues its slide into moral bankruptcy, a “tough guy” brand of Christianity appears to be emerging. Are the sheep forgetting the primary reason Jesus left us here?
The Way of Love in Approaching the Complex Concerns of the COVID-19 Virus
Love for God and love for neighbor are two sides of the same coin. How can we go the way of love in everyday life when it comes to the complex questions involving COVID-19?
Loving God and Your Neighbor in Your Vocation of Friendship
Have you ever considered how friendship is a vocation God gives you for his glory?