Organic Christian Living in the Local Church
A mechanistic church mindset is a counterfeit to an organic church mindset. How should Christians approach programs and extracurricular activities as they seek to nurture organic love and service in the body of Christ?
Your Online Pastor Doesn’t Love You the Way Your Local Pastor Does
Local church pastors used to be highly respected, but now they are just one voice that is often drowned out by the guy with multiple books, podcasts, and conference appearances. Why is this a serious concern for Christ’s church?
5 Reasons Why We Should Sing Psalms and Hymns in Church
Does your congregation sing psalms and hymns during the church service? Here are five reasons why it’s good to do.
A Message to Millennials about the Church
To quote Billy Joel, Millennials “didn’t start the fire,” as it were, but they have added to it. Millennial suspicion of the visible church is a part of the pattern of suspicion of existing institutions generally. Why should Millennials (and everyone else) value the visible church?