The City of Man: Without God and Without Hope
The city of man is the spiritual kingdom of darkness, for its people have turned away from the light of Jesus and therefore dwell in spiritual darkness. How should Christians interact with unbelievers—people of the city of man—whom they know and love?
The Arrival of God's Kingdom
Christians often talk about the kingdom of God being “already and not yet.” What does this mean?
The Word Preached and the Parable of the Sower
In the Parable of the Sower, who does the sower represent, what does each soil represent, and what does Jesus want us to learn from this parable?
What Is the Kingdom of God?
Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God numerous times during his earthly ministry. What is the kingdom of God, and what is its significance for Christians in this world? Here is a short explanation.
Why Did Jesus Compare God’s Kingdom to a Mustard Seed and Leaven?
Christ’s kingdom is a mysterious mix of humility and glory, power and weakness. Why did Jesus use a mustard seed and a pinch of yeast to represent the glorious kingdom of God?
Why Do Christians Pray, “For Thine Is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, For Ever”?
Even though the traditional ending of the Lord’s Prayer is not found in the earliest New Testament manuscripts, the doxology is nonetheless a perfectly biblical and correct thing to pray. Why?
Why Nothing Will Stop Jesus from Building His Church
Jesus is building his church at exactly the rate he wants it to be built—not one person faster or slower. Hell has not slowed the construction by even a second. Here’s why there’s no need to fear for the future of Jesus’ church.
“Are You Not Entertained?” The Pseudo-Kingdom Versus the Kingdom of God
Many men today from their late teens into their mid and late twenties have settled for a pseudo-kingdom rather than the kingdom of God. What is this pseudo-kingdom?
The Kingdom of God Is at Your Fingertips—the Vocation of Motherhood
One Sunday morning I remember being encouraged from the pulpit to be “kingdomly minded.” Hmm, it sounded good—but also a little grandiose. What was I doing as a mother to further the kingdom of God?