Life Lara d'Entremont Life Lara d'Entremont

Thinking Sensibly About Ourselves

Christians can fall into one of two ditches when it comes to our gifts: viewing ourselves too highly or too lowly. How do we go about learning to think sensibly about ourselves?

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Life Ayrian Yasar Life Ayrian Yasar

How Not to Be a Nebuchadnezzar

The book of Daniel shows us that God does not owe humankind anything. We can learn much from the experiences of Nebuchadnezzar, the prideful king who had it all and then had everything taken away from him.

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Hope Christina Fox Hope Christina Fox

10 Things to Pray For in 2023

God is the author of 2023, and he has planned the coming year down to the minutest detail, all with the goal of his glory and our good. Here are 10 things to pray for in 2023.

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