When It Seems Impossible to Forgive
Even when we’re confident that we have truly forgiven someone, feelings of rejection, pain, and anger can resurface unexpectedly. Do we need to forgive again or somehow do a better job of forgiving? What should we do when we struggle to forgive?
12 Good Reasons to Grow in Humility
Charles H. Spurgeon once stated, “Humility is to make a right estimation of one’s self.” Here are twelve good reasons to grow in humility.
Laboring for Christ in Obscurity: Reflections on “The Alpinist”
If you could accomplish great things for the glory of God, but no one except God and you would know, would you still put in all the work necessary to accomplish those things?
12 Things Abigail Teaches Christian Women Today about Trusting God — 1 Samuel 25
In 1 Samuel 25 we read about Abigail, a discerning and beautiful woman who courageously takes action to save many lives and also images Christ in doing so.
"As God in Christ Forgave You" — Ephesians 4:31-32
How can honest self-reflection contribute to improving our relationships?
10 People in the Bible Who Were Both Humble and Courageous
Humble and courageous people put others before themselves. Here are 10 people in the Bible who showed both humility and courage in their devotion to loving God and their neighbor.
The Difference Between the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Two men went up to pray (Luke 18:9-14). One was a respected religious leader, the other a despised tax collector. What was the difference between the men?
Thinking Sensibly About Ourselves
Christians can fall into one of two ditches when it comes to our gifts: viewing ourselves too highly or too lowly. How do we go about learning to think sensibly about ourselves?
How Not to Be a Nebuchadnezzar
The book of Daniel shows us that God does not owe humankind anything. We can learn much from the experiences of Nebuchadnezzar, the prideful king who had it all and then had everything taken away from him.