Depression and the Need for Community: 6 Practical Ways to Help
Depression can remain in the shadows until it's become such a part of us, we don't remember when we didn't feel that way. Here are six practical ways the church community can help carry us through the darkness until the sun shines again.
What Is the Fellowship of the Saints?
Christian fellowship means more than being in the same place at one time with our brothers and sisters in Christ. What is the fellowship of the saints?
5 Pieces of Friendly Advice for Recent College Graduates
Whether you just graduated from college or are getting close to the finish line, here are five pieces of friendly advice as you pursue your post-college vocations.
5 Ways to Support Your Pastor
Pastors are prone to high rates of burnout and are not immune to stress-related problems from their work such as anxiety and depression. Here are five ways to support your pastor.
“No Division in the Body” — 1 Corinthians 12:25-27
What does it mean practically that Christians are members of Christ’s body?
The What, When, and Why of Exhorting One Another
In Hebrews 3:13 we read that believers are called to “exhort one another every day.” What is exhorting, when should we do it, and why is exhorting so important?
5 Biblical Exhortations for Single and Married Christians in the Church Body
How do single and married Christians fellowship with and serve each other in a way that honors the blessing of marriage and the gift of singleness?
Navigating Friendship in the Local Church
It’s easy to bring lofty ideas of friendship into the church, oftentimes in a way that is unfair to others, causing us to neglect the body of Christ for not meeting our unreal expectations.
12 Reasons I Love My "Smaller" Church
Both small and big churches are precious gems in Christ’s kingdom. Here are 12 reasons I love my "smaller" church.