12 Wonderful Responsibilities God Has Given to Men
Here are 12 wonderful responsibilities God has given to men.
Biblical Fathering: On Being Forthright
As opposed to the authoritarian and permissive parenting styles many of us experienced during childhood, here’s why being forthright is the biblical approach to fathering.
Biblical Fathering: On Being Flexible
The father of old was to hold himself above outward displays of emotion and be above question regarding his decisions as well. Yet, a biblical dad needs to be willing to show how he feels and admit mistakes when he is wrong. Here is some practical advice for fathers on being flexible.
Biblical Fathering: On Being Fair
In Ephesians 6:4 we see four principles for every Christian father. In this post we focus on the first principle: fathers are to be fair.
Biblical Fathering: On Being Firm
Fathers need to set the example. When dads are obedient to the command to be the spiritual leader of their family, when they live in obedience to Christ and are committed to being fair, flexible, and firm in a biblical way, their children begin to understand the need for obedience to the authority of their Christ-centered father.
10 Timely Christian Books to Give Dad for Father's Day 2020
Are you looking for a thoughtful Father’s Day gift for the special dad in your life? Here are ten Christian books to encourage and edify him as he navigates through these unsettled times.
Trusting in the Lord as You Await the Arrival of Your Little One
Are you anticipating going into labor and feeling like so little is in your control? Here is some guidance that may be beneficial while you anticipate the arrival of your bundle of joy.