How Is God Training You Right Now to Be a Future Leader?
Notice the woes of Joseph in the book of Genesis. The dungeon was a deliberate part of God’s perfect plan for Joseph—and for Joseph’s family.
Biblical Fathering: On Being Forthright
As opposed to the authoritarian and permissive parenting styles many of us experienced during childhood, here’s why being forthright is the biblical approach to fathering.
Biblical Fathering: On Being Flexible
The father of old was to hold himself above outward displays of emotion and be above question regarding his decisions as well. Yet, a biblical dad needs to be willing to show how he feels and admit mistakes when he is wrong. Here is some practical advice for fathers on being flexible.
Biblical Fathering: On Being Fair
In Ephesians 6:4 we see four principles for every Christian father. In this post we focus on the first principle: fathers are to be fair.
What Are the 3 Marks of the Church? Distinguishing between Healthy and Dangerous Consumerism
Knowing the three marks of the church helps us to understand what Christ’s church is actually meant to be—and not be disappointed when church doesn’t meet all our expectations.
9 Reasons You May Be in a Spiritual Drought—and How to Find Refreshment
At times our sense of spiritual realities can be strong and vibrant. Other times our hearts feel like lead weights. Here are some reasons you may be in a spiritual drought—and how to find refreshment.
What Is Biblical Meditation?
It’s not an exaggeration that biblical meditation is almost completely antithetical to Eastern meditation. Here’s why biblical meditation is an essential part of a Christian’s worship.
Welcome Interruptions: The Discipline of Instructing Your Children
Correcting little ones for the same things over and over can get exhausting. Here’s why we need to embrace this duty of parenting as a moment of grace.
The Vital Importance of Personal Discipline in Your Life
“Hard work beats gifting.” Nothing of any significance has ever been accomplished without discipline. How does personal discipline specifically apply to the Christian life?