Biblical Marriage — Relational and Legal
Why is there both a relational and legal aspect to marriage, and how does earthly marriage help us understand the believer’s union with Christ?
The Importance of Compatibility in Romantic Relationships
The Bible gives us only three areas with which we must concern ourselves regarding compatibility in romantic relationships.
The Element of Physical Attraction in Romantic Relationships
I am regularly asked if it is important for a Christian man or woman to be physically attracted to the person they are dating. In order to fully answer this question, we must consider physical attraction from both a male and female perspective, while also considering why physical attraction may be lacking in either case.
5 Biblical Exhortations for Single and Married Christians in the Church Body
How do single and married Christians fellowship with and serve each other in a way that honors the blessing of marriage and the gift of singleness?
16 Ways to Find a Wife According to the Bible
The following list has been floating around the world-wide-web and makes a very important point. So here it is: 16 ways to find a wife according to the Bible.
A Message to Millennials about Marriage
Millennials seem to have given up on marriage. Are they right in doing so? No. And why? Because God instituted marriage for a reason.