10 Quick Tips for Becoming an Excellent Bible Interpreter
The Bible is God’s Word, and we need God’s help to rightly understand it. Here are 10 basic tips for becoming a skilled interpreter of Scripture.
Pineapples and Biblical Interpretation — What’s the Connection?
The word “pineapple” helps us understand a potential error that can be made when interpreting a Bible passage. What is this error?
Are Red Letters Better?
Some Bible translations print the words Jesus spoke out loud in red letters, which may lead people to think that those parts of Scripture are more important than others. Is this true?
Is There a Preferred Bible Translation Christians Should Use?
KJV, NIV, ESV, NASB, NLT, or something else? There are a lot of Bible translations available today. Is there a preferred version Christians should use?
What Is the Most Important Thing Taught in the Bible?
The most important thing in Scripture is taught in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and it’s the Christian’s greatest comfort. What is it?
What Does “Scripture Alone” Mean, and Why Should You Care?
The phrase "sola scriptura” (Scripture alone) doesn’t mean that Christians should only read the Bible. If your sink gets clogged, a plumbing manual will be of more use than anything in the Old or New Testament. Here's what sola scriptura means and why it matters for you today.
10 More Words Every Christian Should Know (and Be Able to Explain)
Growing in knowledge of God’s Word helps us to have peace, confidence, and resoluteness in a world filled with anxiety, doubt, and shifting standards. We will also be more effective in sharing the gospel with unbelievers. Here are 10 words every Christian should know.
7 Reasons Why Doctrine Matters for Every Christian
Sound doctrine helps us stay on target regarding what the Bible teaches, why we believe it, and how to live to God's glory in daily life. Here are 7 reasons why doctrine matters for every Christian.
Are Translations of the Bible Inspired and Inerrant?
Is biblical inerrancy just for the original version or may our English (or French, or German, or Spanish, etc.) translations of the Bible also be considered inerrant?