Who Is "The One Who Endures to the End"? — Matthew 24:13
Who is Jesus talking about in Matthew 24:13 when he states, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved”?
Q & A: Can I Have Assurance of Salvation?
Yes, all Christians can and should have assurance of their salvation. Theologian R. Scott Clark explains how this assurance is found.
Got Peace Right Now? 7 Things You Need to Know about Your Justification in Christ
Justification is the very heart of the gospel. Here are seven things Christians need to know about their justification in Christ.
3 Points about the Doctrine of Predestination Every Christian Needs to Know
When it comes to biblical teaching on how predestination is involved in salvation, people worry that if we “give” God his sovereignty, then we are giving away our own freedom. Why is this a false dilemma?
12 Reasons Why Jesus Meant It When He Said, “It Is Finished”
This coming Easter Sunday Christians around the world will proclaim the good news of their glorious Savior’s resurrection! Here are 12 reasons why Jesus meant it when he said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).
5 Reasons Every Christian Should Seek Assurance of Salvation
Plenty of Christians are content to walk through life without the sure knowledge that they belong to Christ. Why is assurance of salvation essential to genuine Christianity?
What Does It Mean to Be Chosen in Christ?
What does the apostle Paul mean in Ephesians 1:4 when he writes that God “chose us in him before the foundation of the world”?
Salvation in Christ Alone: What Is "The Great Exchange"?
Christians know Jesus paid their debt on the cross, but he did even more for every believer. Understanding “The Great Exchange” helps Christians to better rest in the finished work of Christ on their behalf.