God’s Gracious Nature
Image by Karyn Easton
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“What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I’ve known?” So goes the Gold hit song “Why Me” (1972) by singer/songwriter Kris Kristofferson. The lyrics continue,
Tell me, Lord
What did I ever do
That was worth lovin’ you
Or the kindness you've shown?”
Grace is what captures and inspires Kristofferson. There is nothing any of us have done that justifies the joy, the love, the kindness that God shows us. This is grace—the unmerited and undeserved favor and love that God bestows on us in spite of the fact that all we truly deserve is justice—judgment for the offense of our sins against God.
By our own behavior we have earned death, not life.
In other words, what we deserve for our sinful nature and works are death and punishment. This is what we have merited, or earned. “The wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23). Scripture describes these earnings as wages because the metaphor fits—by our own behavior we have earned (i.e., merited) death. God is just and his justice requires our receiving what we are due—our wages—which is ultimately death.
Paul continues in Romans 6:23: “But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Here is the stark contrast between what is earned and what is a gift. God is gracious—he graciously gives eternal life—it is not earned. You cannot merit it. Nothing you do can earn it. Eternal life is God’s unmerited gift, and it is God’s nature to give it.
God graciously gives to us what we haven’t earned—his favor and love.
In the Old Testament, God reveals his graciousness right from the beginning. Adam and Eve should have died immediately, but God graciously promised the seed of the woman (Christ Jesus) who would destroy Satan (Gen. 3:15). Adam and Eve, though banished from the Garden, lived by God’s gracious provision of care for them. They didn’t deserve God’s grace, and we, descendants of Adam and Eve, don’t deserve it either. Yet, from the goodness of God he graciously gives to us what we haven’t earned—his favor and love.
Another example is from the time of Moses and Israel. When Moses asked God to show his glory to him (Gen. 32:18), the Lord hid him in a cleft of a rock on Mount Sinai and passed before him declaring,
"The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin…” (Exod. 34:6-7)
God revealed his graciousness, his favor toward those who would fail at nearly every step of the way, just like we fail in so many ways. Yet God, by his grace, is merciful, loving, faithful, and forgiving. This is his nature to give gifts to us, even though they are undeserved, never earned or merited, and always beyond what we could ever imagine.
God provides so much we do not deserve—this is grace.
For example, my wife is currently undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Though the prognosis is good, it is no easy path to walk as millions who have gone before her surely know. Yet, even in this difficult trial God has graciously answered prayers for steadfast faith, for healing, for encouragement, and for the strength to persevere. God has given her the gifts of friends and family who pray with her, who love and encourage her, and send cards and notes to remind her she is never alone. God has given medicines and health care professionals to provide good treatments and lessen the difficult effects of the treatments. I could go on and on.
We have not earned, nor do we deserve, any of the good pleasures we enjoy even in this challenging time, and yet God is gracious and loving. He provides so much we do not deserve—this is grace. This is who God is, the one who provides all we need beyond measure, especially life itself and eternal life though faith in Christ Jesus.
Salvation in Christ is the greatest gracious gift of God to us.
God giving his only begotten Son to bear the punishment we deserve, the wages of sin and death that we justly have earned, is the greatest gift of God. What greater love is there and what greater gracious gift is there but that another lays down his life for us? God is love and he graciously gives it to those who trust in Christ Jesus for salvation. Believe in him—that he lived, died, was resurrected from the dead, and has ascended into heaven—so that you might enjoy pleasures beyond number together with him with eternal life.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Ps. 16:11)
This article was originally published in BCL’s April 2024 monthly newsletter.
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