Love Derek J. Brown Love Derek J. Brown

The Element of Physical Attraction in Romantic Relationships

I am regularly asked if it is important for a Christian man or woman to be physically attracted to the person they are dating. In order to fully answer this question, we must consider physical attraction from both a male and female perspective, while also considering why physical attraction may be lacking in either case.

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Love Ayrian Yasar Love Ayrian Yasar

Keeping Godly Focus in Singleness

The world seems to generally look at singleness as a time to focus on oneself or to use singleness as the time to get ahead financially or career-wise. For Christians both aspects of self-focus fall far short of the blessedness that God has in store for single people.

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Love Ayrian Yasar Love Ayrian Yasar

Christ's Love for the Church

We were created to love, and we long to experience that perfect love we see only in shadows. How does Jesus help us to understand what true love actually is?

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Love Daniel Rowlands Love Daniel Rowlands

Godly Compassion

God's compassion provides us with the model of what Christian compassion is. Grounded in God's goodness, compassion is merciful and gracious and comes from a sincere and loving heart.

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