Who Is Representing You—Adam or Jesus?
Whether people realize it or not, they are represented at this very moment by either Adam or Jesus. What does this representation mean, and why does it matter for every human being?
Only Christ
Man-made religion and regulations may have an appearance of wisdom, but they are of no effect in stopping sin or saving your soul. Here’s why you must always follow Jesus and only follow Jesus.
Undergoing the Powerful Scalpel of God’s Truth
God’s truth will always be to our benefit and spiritual health. If we fear truth’s incision, it might be that God has targeted an infected part of our life that requires careful removal.
Cycling and Sanctification in the Christian Life
Cycling has been fun, challenging, and great exercise for me. Here are four connections I’ve seen between cycling and sanctification.
What Point Was Jesus Making to the Rich Young Ruler?
Some people think Jesus was calling the rich young ruler in Luke 18 to sell all his possessions in order to receive eternal life. Is this what Jesus was saying?
Sanctification in Christ — The Rest of Your Story
Sanctification is a slow process of dying to the flesh and living unto God. How can Christians tell whether they are growing in holiness?
10 Must-Read Books by the Puritans for Christians Today
The Puritans’ passion for God’s Word and deep insights into Scripture have continued to bless Christians for hundreds of years. Here are 10 must-read beloved Puritan classics to strengthen and encourage the faith of every believer today.
The Heart of the Shepherd-Elder
There is a serious shortage of pastors and elders today. Fewer Christians are putting up their hand to serve. What drives the heart of the shepherd-elder?
The Arrival of God's Kingdom
Christians often talk about the kingdom of God being “already and not yet.” What does this mean?