10 Reasons Christians Can Be Thankful in Trying Circumstances
How can we be thankful and joyful in the midst of a painful trial? The answer is found in all that the Scriptures teach us about trials.
The Fruits of Affliction in the Christian Life
In the midst of our heartache, we often cling to the truth that good will come from it. But what is that good we hope for? Here are six fruits of affliction in the Christian life.
Being Careful with Our Feelings
Our feelings can lead us astray, but it can be just as troublesome when we lack feelings, especially for others. Two examples from Scripture can help guide us when it comes to our feelings.
3 Things You Can Do While Waiting on the Lord
Waiting is hard because we are impatient by nature. We want to speed things up and make things happen. The Bible encourages a particular kind of waiting for believers—waiting on the Lord—and sees it as a good thing.
3 Reasons to Be Thankful for the Lord's Discipline in Your Life
It’s easy to look at hardships and challenges as punishment for something we’ve done wrong. It’s good to pause and consider what God might be doing in our life.
4 Things to Stop Believing about Suffering
Everyone faces suffering in this life, and it’s not helpful when well-meaning people say, “It could be worse!” Ugh. Here are four things we need to stop believing about suffering.
How Patient Is God With Us?
Augustine once said, “God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination.” How patient is God with us?
3 Good Things to Remember about the Future
While our future is unknown to us, it is not unknown to God. He is never surprised. God will accomplish all his purposes. Here are 3 good things to remember about the future.
Stewarding Our Feelings to the Glory of God
Our feelings can distort the truth, leading us to believe what is false about our circumstances or the people around us. How can we steward our feelings well to God’s glory?