6 Things Jesus Teaches Us About the Devil
Some people think it's fun to dress up as the devil for Halloween, but there's nothing funny at all about Satan. Here are six things Jesus teaches us about the devil in the epic encounter in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11).
Even Atheists Have Faith
Many atheists and skeptics contrast faith with evidence, with reason, with the mind. What is the relationship between faith and reason?
Secret Sin Is Never a Secret
King David offers us remarkable hope for the problem of secret sin in our lives.
2 Ways Jesus Cares for Us with His Gentleness
How does Jesus show gentleness to us? By being crushed in our place. We are so delicate that we could never hope to take the harsh blow that God’s justice requires, so Jesus took it for us.
Is It Reasonable to Trust the Gospel Narratives?
Is it reasonable to stake so much on the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? The answer is yes. They hold up to scrutiny. Here’s why they are more reliable than most other ancient texts.
3 Wrong Reasons to Leave Your Local Church — and 5 Right Reasons to Stay
To be sure, there are legitimate reasons to leave a local church. Here are 3 wrong reasons to leave and 5 right reasons to remain at your current church.
4 Important Things to Remember If You Are a Doubting Believer
Even John the Baptist began to have doubts about the identity of Jesus while in prison. How does the example of John help us to distinguish between doubt and unbelieving skepticism?
Why Wisdom Is Far More Valuable Than Intelligence
There is no necessary correlation between intelligence and morality, or intelligence and wise conduct. A person can be a fool with a very high IQ. Here’s why wisdom is far more valuable than intelligence.
Natural Disasters—Chance or God?
In the midst of a storm or destructive winds, fear can easily overwhelm us. How should we view natural disasters?