Marie Durand (1711–1776), the Famous Prisoner of Faith — Introduction
In 1730 French authorities arrested 19-year-old Marie Durand, shaved her head, and imprisoned her without trial for her Protestant faith in a medieval fortress. Many have held up Durand as an inspiring heroine for their own causes, but what did she truly stand for?
3 Kinds of Grace We All Need
Grace is receiving good things we didn’t earn and not receiving punishment we did earn. Here are three kinds of grace we all need.
12 Wonderful Responsibilities God Has Given to Men
Here are 12 wonderful responsibilities God has given to men.
Should Christians Expect to Hear a “Still Small Voice” from God?
One of the first things I learned when I became an evangelical Christian in 1976 was that every believer should expect to hear a “still small voice” from God. Is this actually true?
7 Ways to Love Your Spouse
Marriages need nurturing in both the good and trying times of life. Here are seven practical ways to love your spouse.
5 Women Who Helped Topple Pharaoh and Save God’s People
Even with all his pomp and power, Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, was no match for the devotion of these five women.
8 Symbols That Give Us a Portrait of Jesus—Revelation 1:9-17
Ever wish you could have seen Jesus, just like the disciples did? Revelation 1:9-17 brings us face-to-face with Jesus through John’s eyes and ears.
Should Christians Hang Out with Sinners Like Jesus Did?
Sadly, we all know people who got mixed up in the wrong crowd and went south. Should Christians hang out with sinners like Jesus did?
Reaping the Woke Church We Have Sown
The church in America has become its own worst enemy, pandering to the culture for likeability’s sake with little effectiveness in saving people from hell—if we even believe in such a place anymore.