Repeated Sinning and the Hope of Forgiveness
Many who have trusted in Christ struggle deeply in their consciences over their post-conversion sins. How can a true believer commit a particular sin—sometimes repeatedly—after he or she comes to Christ?
"Whoever Feeds On My Flesh" — John 6:50-56
In John 6:56 Jesus proclaims, “Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” What does Jesus mean by this statement?
Beloved: Processing Our Insecurities in Light of the Gospel
By God’s grace I have learned that the only way to change the horrible talk-track in my head that says “I am not enough” is to have the true narrative about who I am spoken to me to crush the lie for what it is.
7 Essential Things to Know about the Holiness of God
A lot of people think, “I’m not perfect, but I’m a pretty good person. God will let me into heaven.” According to the Bible, that’s not how it works. Here are 7 essential things you need to know about God’s holiness.
The Vital Connection between Sincere Love and Hospitality in the Church
How we treat someone at church, whether they’re a visitor or longtime member, may affect their involvement and their decision to continue attending. Here are some practical ways to share the love of Christ.
The Good Master Gives Himself
Jesus Christ, the good Master, gives us the gift of God himself. What does it mean that Jesus became a slave so that we might be called children of God?
The Beauty of Belonging to a Good Master
To be counted as Jesus Christ’s slave (2 Pet. 1:1)—to be dependent upon and belong forever to one who loves so deeply that he died for us and calls us to a good place—should fill us with peace.
Being Careful with Our Feelings
Our feelings can lead us astray, but it can be just as troublesome when we lack feelings, especially for others. Two examples from Scripture can help guide us when it comes to our feelings.
Why I Am a Christian: The Problem of Evil
Only the Judeo-Christian tradition has faced evil squarely and called it what it is. What does the Bible say about the problem of evil?