How Do We Cast Our Burdens on Jesus?
The Bible urges us to take our burdens and to put them into Jesus’ hands. How exactly do we cast our cares upon Jesus?
Why Can’t an Unbeliever’s Good Works Please God?
Here’s an illustration involving two neighbors that explains why we can’t please God with our good works outside of Christ.
Weeping with Those Who Weep (and Letting Others Weep with You)
Here are four ways we can be a comfort to others and find peace and comfort for ourselves.
2 Important Things to Remember about Fighting Sin—Romans 7:13-25
The longer I am a Christian, the more I realize how great a sinner I am. Here are two important things to remember about fighting sin from Romans 7:13-25.
I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church — The Apostles' Creed, Article of Faith 9
What is the holy catholic church? What is the communion of saints? The answers may surprise you.
Choosing the Good Portion — Luke 10:38-42
What did Jesus mean in Luke 10:42 when he told Martha that Mary had “chosen the good portion”? How can we also choose the good portion like Mary did?
"The Lord Bless You and Keep You" — Numbers 6:22-27
What are the three kinds of blessings we find in the Bible? And what does the blessing Jesus gave before he ascended to heaven mean for us today?
5 Ways People Worship Themselves
“If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshiping an idealized version of yourself” (Tim Keller). Here are five ways people go about designing their own god to worship.
God’s Gracious Nature
God provides so much we do not deserve. What can we learn from the Bible about God’s gracious nature?