Life Daniel Rowlands Life Daniel Rowlands

Do the Ends Justify the Means?

Some people use the example of Rahab in Joshua 2 to assert that the sin of lying is justified if the resulting end of the lie is considered to be good. Does the Bible support this view?

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Faith Daniel Rowlands Faith Daniel Rowlands

How Much Free Will Do You Really Have?

Both Christians and non-Christians point out their free will, but how free are we? Are we free to do anything? Why don’t believers use their free will to freely choose never to sin again? It’s actually not all that simple when it comes to free will.

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Love Ayrian Yasar Love Ayrian Yasar

How to Make and Keep Friends

How does a person make and keep friends? Well, there are at least two parts to this. First, you have to meet someone, and second, you have to become part of that person's life.

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