Life Ayrian Yasar Life Ayrian Yasar

5 Ways to Support Your Pastor

Pastors are prone to high rates of burnout and are not immune to stress-related problems from their work such as anxiety and depression. Here are five ways to support your pastor.

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Faith Keith Mathison Faith Keith Mathison

No One Shared the Gospel with Me

When I see young people running away from God, acting in the most offensive ways they can imagine, I see my younger self. I see lost people who are in desperate need of Christ. Why didn’t even one Christian talk to young me about Jesus?

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Life Le Ann Trees Life Le Ann Trees

Should Christians Drink Alcohol?

Alcohol consumption is a tough topic because it is associated with both joyful and tragic situations. Some Christians think it is perfectly fine to drink alcohol, while others believe it is sinful to partake. Which view is correct?

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Faith Daniel Rowlands Faith Daniel Rowlands

Immanuel: The Son Revealed in the Old Testament

Should we be surprised that God came in the form of a suffering servant—the man Jesus Christ, who would save his people from their sins? Let's go back to the biblical writings a number of centuries before the incarnation.

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Love Erica Chase Love Erica Chase

Finding Romance in Your Marriage

All the responsibilities of marriage can make over-the-top romantic moments that occur early in the relationship seem like distance memories. How do a husband and wife find romance in their marriage as the years go by?

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