10 People in the Bible Who Were Both Humble and Courageous
Humble and courageous people put others before themselves. Here are 10 people in the Bible who showed both humility and courage in their devotion to loving God and their neighbor.
Godly Authority: How to Have a Mostly “Functionally Egalitarian” Marriage (Part 2)
What can we learn about the meaning and exercising of godly authority in marriage from the mission of an airline pilot? Actually, a lot.
Is Poverty More Spiritual?
Some Christians in the 12th and 13th centuries divested themselves of nearly all their possessions and gave themselves to what St. Francis of Assisi called “Lady Poverty.” Should Christians pursue a life of poverty?
“No Division in the Body” — 1 Corinthians 12:25-27
What does it mean practically that Christians are members of Christ’s body?
Looking for Life in All the Wrong Places: The Book of Ruth, Ch. 1
Turning away from God is a recipe for disaster. In the first chapter of Ruth we find both a nation and a family in spiritual disarray. How was Elimelech’s decision to leave Israel and take his family to Moab similar to choices we see Christians making today?
The Difference Between the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Two men went up to pray (Luke 18:9-14). One was a respected religious leader, the other a despised tax collector. What was the difference between the men?
Beauty in the Christian Life: Diversity and Unity
How does attending closely to diversity and unity in the Godhead, in nature, and in the church help us to stand in awe and wonder before our Triune God and his work in creation and redemption?
Salvation in Christ Alone: What Is "The Great Exchange"?
Christians know Jesus paid their debt on the cross, but he did even more for every believer. Understanding “The Great Exchange” helps Christians to better rest in the finished work of Christ on their behalf.
Are You Trusting in Scripture or Yourself?
When people don’t like what the Bible says, they sometimes brush it off as the work of fallible men or they look to their own experiences to find truth. Is our hope in Scripture or ourselves?