7 Brilliant Reasons to Shamelessly Applaud Jesus — Revelation 1:5-8
Jesus loves you perfectly. He is committed to you, wants the best for you, delights in you, wants to be with you, and rejoices in your well-being and improvement. In Revelation 1:5-8 we learn seven brilliant things about Jesus.
Christ Jesus: The Source of True Rest
From where does restful peace come and is it possible to even get there when there is so much trouble all around us?
How to Have Deeper Conversations Today
Those who engage us in deeper conversations want to go beyond the shallow end. They want to know us. How can we dive beyond the surface of our relationships and encourage deeper conversations?
2 Things You Need to Know about the Exclusivity of Christ
Some people think it’s unkind to tell others that their religion or worldview is wrong. Why is holding up Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation the most loving thing we can do?
What Does It Mean to Belong to Jesus?
Jesus’ holy living didn’t make him the popular one; rather, it made him hated and despised by all those who were popular in his day. Instead of getting caught up with how we appear to others, we need to focus on the fact that we belong to Jesus.
5 Warning Signs That a Pastor Has Not Been Truly Called by God
All Christians need to see the warning signs of a man who has not been truly called by God to the office of pastor. Here are five to consider.
6 Things You Need to Know about Unanswered Prayer
Most of us have felt frustrated by what seems to be God’s lack of action when we have prayed to him diligently about a matter. Here are six things every person needs to know about unanswered prayer.
You Must Be Ready for Jesus' Return!
Jesus teaches us that he will return on an ordinary day (Matt. 24:37-44). Does that change your outlook on your life? Here’s why it ought to affect everything. Radically.
Oaths in God's Name — Deuteronomy 6:13
In the Third Commandment God forbids using his name vainly, but does that include taking an oath in God’s name as is often done in courts of law, entering government service, and in marriage vows?